Wednesday 6 June 2012

Brief Introduction

I've been writing ever since I was taught how to write. When I was growing up, that was around the age of 6; today, it may be closer to twelve. I drew my inspiration for creativity from watching Polka Dot Door, and my bad-assery from April O'Neil's character on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I was raised by what today might call "young parents" who inevitably allowed their culture and customs to also influence me while growing up. I distinctly remember my first favourite pair of shoes being red converse high-tops. Hopefully this description will allow you to imagine the type of person I am today. 
While I was young, my friends were always able to get me with the "did you know the word 'gullible' isn't in the dictionary?" joke, and I fell for it every time. My father was also one to give me misinformation, hoping I would take it upon myself to go look up the correct answer. I'd like to think it's because of these two reasons that I am now an extremely skeptical, critical and analytical person. I never take anything to be true without finding it out for myself, and upon acquiring new knowledge, I tend to further research until I feel I have a strong grasp on the subject. This sometimes turns into an obsession, but I like to know enough to form a non-biased view, and be able to converse with others regarding the given topic. 
With only a year left in my undergrad, and enough writing experience under my belt, I feel ready to share some of my thoughts with the online world. While you may not all agree with what I have to say, I hope you take the time to read and consider my opinions. Personally, I try to be as open-minded and respectful to the views of others, and can only hope to be given the same respect back. 
These are my skeptical thoughts regarding reality; these are events in my everyday life. 

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